Наши контакты
71/21 al-Farabi Ave., Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050040 Tel. +7 (727) 221-14-10, +7 (727) 221-14-11
Seitzhanov Abdykakhar Anuarovich

Students are provided with light, hot and cold water, free internet and reading rooms.

Rooms А, B are given to students-activists, who are the community organizers.

All students, who entered KazNU named after Al-Farabi on the state grant mandatorily, are provided with dormitories.

Students – activists, who the community organizers, vulnerable students – students from needy и single-parent families.

They can, if they study at the same faculty.

Students are allowed to organize birthdays. Students must write an application to the attention of the director of KazNU campus for obtaining permission.

A dormitory is given by commissioners,  after required documents are provided: ID card of the student and a certificate confirming the composition of a family.

In case of non-compliance with dormitory rules.

Yes, they can. A Passport Office is set up In  «Keremet» Student Support Centre,  students can get a temporary residential registration there.

Master`s degree students and PhD students are provided with dormitories in a full scale.

Dear colleagues and friends, dear web visitors!


Welcome to “Keremet” official website of KazNU named after al-Farabi. Today we have an opportunity to receive all of your comments and suggestions day-and-night directly to our blog through information networks. We pay great attention to the development of relationships with our students and colleagues. We want our collaboration to be not only profitable, but enjoyable and favorable. We hope to your attention and active participation in efforts to improve the quality of our centre!

Sincerely, Director of Campus
of Kazakh National University named after аl-Farabi
Seitzhanov Abdykakhar Anuarovich